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Salem Community 2020

Taking the new Salem Skipper ride sharing service!
Taking the new Salem Skipper ride sharing service!
NAGLY visits and donates to the Salem Pantry!
NAGLY visits and donates to the Salem Pantry!
NAGLY visits and donates to the Salem Pantry!
NAGLY visits and donates to the Salem Pantry!
Salem Main Streets "Stay Local Salem" promotion.  Shop local!
Salem Main Streets "Stay Local Salem" promotion. Shop local!
Salem Main Streets "Stay Local Salem" promotion.  Shop local!
Salem Main Streets "Stay Local Salem" promotion. Shop local!
Decorating Charlotte Forten Park for the holidays!
Decorating Charlotte Forten Park for the holidays!
Decorating Charlotte Forten Park for the holidays!
Decorating Charlotte Forten Park for the holidays!
Had fun providing Historic Salem Inc with piano music for their Christmas House Tours again this year.
Had fun providing Historic Salem Inc with piano music for their Christmas House Tours again this year.
So enjoyable to be part of the Historic Salem Inc House Tours again this year!
So enjoyable to be part of the Historic Salem Inc House Tours again this year!
Salem Common Neighborhood Association volunteers!
Salem Common Neighborhood Association volunteers!
Salem Common Neighborhood Association holiday decorating!
Salem Common Neighborhood Association holiday decorating!
Salem Common Neighborhood Association holiday decorating!
Salem Common Neighborhood Association holiday decorating!
Volunteering for holiday decorating with Salem Main Streets!
Volunteering for holiday decorating with Salem Main Streets!
Salem Main Streets Volunteers!
Salem Main Streets Volunteers!
Volunteering for holiday decorating with Salem Main Streets!
Volunteering for holiday decorating with Salem Main Streets!
And thanks to Brothers Taverna for helping make the meals happen for Thanksgiving!
And thanks to Brothers Taverna for helping make the meals happen for Thanksgiving!
Thank you to the Community Life Center, Council on Aging, Salem Police and all the awesome volunteers for delivering over 300 meals for Thanksgiving!
Thank you to the Community Life Center, Council on Aging, Salem Police and all the awesome volunteers for delivering over 300 meals for Thanksgiving!
Thank you to the Community Life Center, Council on Aging, Salem Police and all the awesome volunteers for delivering over 300 meals for Thanksgiving!
Thank you to the Community Life Center, Council on Aging, Salem Police and all the awesome volunteers for delivering over 300 meals for Thanksgiving!
Salem Pantry Thanksgiving Distribution
Salem Pantry Thanksgiving Distribution
Salem Pantry Thanksgiving Distribution.  Thanks to the school kids for their awesome pictures for our clients!
Salem Pantry Thanksgiving Distribution. Thanks to the school kids for their awesome pictures for our clients!
Furlong Park Clean Up 11/14/20
Furlong Park Clean Up 11/14/20
Halloween at the Salem Pantry!
Halloween at the Salem Pantry!
Halloween at the Pantry!  Thank you to Root and A&J King for your delicious meals and bread!
Halloween at the Pantry! Thank you to Root and A&J King for your delicious meals and bread!
End of the season clean up at the Mack Park Food Farm.
End of the season clean up at the Mack Park Food Farm.
End of the season clean up at the Mack Park Food Farm.
End of the season clean up at the Mack Park Food Farm.
Salem Recycles Free Book Day throughout the city!
Salem Recycles Free Book Day throughout the city!
Fun to help out the Salem Beautification Committee tidying up Lafayette Street.  They do such a terrific job of keeping Salem beautiful!
Fun to help out the Salem Beautification Committee tidying up Lafayette Street. They do such a terrific job of keeping Salem beautiful!
South Salem Neighborhood Association meeting at Forest River Park 10/3/20.
South Salem Neighborhood Association meeting at Forest River Park 10/3/20.
South Salem Neighborhood Association meeting at Forest River Park 10/3/20. So nice to see everyone!
South Salem Neighborhood Association meeting at Forest River Park 10/3/20. So nice to see everyone!
Ethan's clean up in the Point.
Ethan's clean up in the Point.
Another clean up in the Point organized by Ethan, a neighborhood resident.  Thanks Ethan!
Another clean up in the Point organized by Ethan, a neighborhood resident. Thanks Ethan!
RBG Vigil, Salem.
RBG Vigil, Salem.
RBG Vigil, Salem.  We've lost a hero, a role model, and a champion.
RBG Vigil, Salem. We've lost a hero, a role model, and a champion.
The Salem Pantry at Loring Towers
The Salem Pantry at Loring Towers
Mack Park Food Farm, giving fresh produce to our community on Saturdays for free!
Mack Park Food Farm, giving fresh produce to our community on Saturdays for free!
Mack Park Food Farm, giving fresh produce to our community on Saturdays for free!
Mack Park Food Farm, giving fresh produce to our community on Saturdays for free!
Mack Park Food Farm, giving fresh produce to our community on Saturdays for free!
Mack Park Food Farm, giving fresh produce to our community on Saturdays for free!
The Salem Farmer's Market, Maitland Farm. Best pickles anywhere!
The Salem Farmer's Market, Maitland Farm. Best pickles anywhere!
Barry and I at the Salem Farmer's Market
Barry and I at the Salem Farmer's Market
Neighborhood clean up event in the Point organized by a neighborhood teen.  Great job Ethan!
Neighborhood clean up event in the Point organized by a neighborhood teen. Great job Ethan!
Black Lives Matter event in Beverly
Black Lives Matter event in Beverly
Black Lives Matter event in Swampscott
Black Lives Matter event in Swampscott
Juneteenth flag raising at Salem City Hall
Juneteenth flag raising at Salem City Hall
Juneteenth flag raising at Salem City Hall
Juneteenth flag raising at Salem City Hall
Salem Pantry, 68 Loring Ave (SSU)
Salem Pantry, 68 Loring Ave (SSU)
Timmy's Angels giving out school supplies at our Palmer Cove pantry!
Timmy's Angels giving out school supplies at our Palmer Cove pantry!
Mayor Driscoll with the Salem LWV doing voter registration at our Pantry!
Mayor Driscoll with the Salem LWV doing voter registration at our Pantry!
School Committee member Ana Nuncio and Superintendent Stephen Zrike helping out at the Pantry at Palmer Cove Park!
School Committee member Ana Nuncio and Superintendent Stephen Zrike helping out at the Pantry at Palmer Cove Park!
Salem Pantry, Saltonstall School
Salem Pantry, Saltonstall School
Salem Pantry, 68 Loring Ave (SSU)
Salem Pantry, 68 Loring Ave (SSU)
Salem Pantry, Palmer Cove Park
Salem Pantry, Palmer Cove Park

Committee to Elect Alice Merkl
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