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September 2019

Great time at the Salem Food for Thought Festival, touring the Y Green Space which grows food for the community and then a lovely lunch courtesy of Root at Espacio!
Great time at the Salem Food for Thought Festival, touring the Y Green Space which grows food for the community and then a lovely lunch courtesy of Root at Espacio!
Wonderful event tonight at the Charlotte Forten Park Dedication, honoring a remarkable educator, activist and poet.
Wonderful event tonight at the Charlotte Forten Park Dedication, honoring a remarkable educator, activist and poet.
Great time today at the Fiesta en la Calle | Block Party! Thanks Romeo's Smoothies & Juices!  Thanks North Shore Community Development Coalition for a great event today!
Great time today at the Fiesta en la Calle | Block Party! Thanks Romeo's Smoothies & Juices! Thanks North Shore Community Development Coalition for a great event today!
Wonderful event tonight at the Charlotte Forten Park Dedication, honoring a remarkable educator, activist and poet.
Wonderful event tonight at the Charlotte Forten Park Dedication, honoring a remarkable educator, activist and poet.
Thank you to our voters!! On to November!!
Thank you to our voters!! On to November!!
Thank you to our voters!! On to November!!
Thank you to our voters!! On to November!!
Thank you to our voters!! On to November!!
Thank you to our voters!! On to November!!
Lovely time today at the Block Party for the Barnes, Clark, Wyman Area Neighborhood Association!
Lovely time today at the Block Party for the Barnes, Clark, Wyman Area Neighborhood Association!
A big thank you to the League of Women Voters - Salem, the Latino Leadership Coalition and the Salem Gazette for hosting the Councillor at Large Candidate Forum last night at the Salem Academy Charter School. And thank you to Rep. Lori Ehrlich for doing such a wonderful job as moderator. We had great questions, and I appreciated the opportunity you gave the voters to get to know all of us candidates. The video recorded by Salem Access Television is available online; find the link on our home page!
A big thank you to the League of Women Voters - Salem, the Latino Leadership Coalition and the Salem Gazette for hosting the Councillor at Large Candidate Forum last night at the Salem Academy Charter School. And thank you to Rep. Lori Ehrlich for doing such a wonderful job as moderator. We had great questions, and I appreciated the opportunity you gave the voters to get to know all of us candidates. The video recorded by Salem Access Television is available online; find the link on our home page!
Thank you Saint Peters Episcopal Church for supper at the Italian Dinner Fundraiser!
Thank you Saint Peters Episcopal Church for supper at the Italian Dinner Fundraiser!
Great food and fun at the 3rd Annual Hatch Chile Roast today!
Great food and fun at the 3rd Annual Hatch Chile Roast today!
Volunteering at the Salem Pantry mobile market! Reminding SSU students we have our mobile market on the first and third Wednesdays every month from 10-2 for SSU students and Salem residents.
Volunteering at the Salem Pantry mobile market! Reminding SSU students we have our mobile market on the first and third Wednesdays every month from 10-2 for SSU students and Salem residents.

Committee to Elect Alice Merkl
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