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October 2019

Thank you Councillor Tom Furey for your kindness and encouragement to run many months ago at the beginning of my campaign, and for your endorsement. I am also grateful for the voice you have been for our community members on the City Council.
Thank you Councillor Tom Furey for your kindness and encouragement to run many months ago at the beginning of my campaign, and for your endorsement. I am also grateful for the voice you have been for our community members on the City Council.
So much fun today at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center Halloween party!
So much fun today at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center Halloween party!
So much fun today at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center Halloween party!
So much fun today at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center Halloween party!
So much fun today at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center Halloween party!
So much fun today at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center Halloween party!
So much fun today at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center Halloween party!
So much fun today at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center Halloween party!
Great time today helping out at the Salem Common Neighborhood Association Kids Fun Fest. And thank you to the SCNA for all the fun events you sponsor all year for us adults!
Great time today helping out at the Salem Common Neighborhood Association Kids Fun Fest. And thank you to the SCNA for all the fun events you sponsor all year for us adults!
A big thank you to my walking club for getting out our mailer today! Thirteen days to go!
A big thank you to my walking club for getting out our mailer today! Thirteen days to go!
So enjoyed all the great conversations knocking 150+ doors this weekend. And a big thank you to my team for knocking 100+ more! We got this!!
So enjoyed all the great conversations knocking 150+ doors this weekend. And a big thank you to my team for knocking 100+ more! We got this!!
A big thank you to my walking club for getting out our mailer today! Thirteen days to go!
A big thank you to my walking club for getting out our mailer today! Thirteen days to go!
Playing piano for residents of Brookhouse Home.
Playing piano for residents of Brookhouse Home.
Volunteering at the Salem Pantry
Volunteering at the Salem Pantry
Volunteering at the Salem Pantry
Volunteering at the Salem Pantry
Playing piano for residents of Brookhouse Home.
Playing piano for residents of Brookhouse Home.
So much fun helping out at the second annual family Halloween dance at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center. These kids know how to party!
So much fun helping out at the second annual family Halloween dance at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center. These kids know how to party!
So much fun helping out at the second annual family Halloween dance at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center. These kids know how to party!
So much fun helping out at the second annual family Halloween dance at the Jean A Levesque Community Life Center. These kids know how to party!
Thank you to everyone who came to our Millennials for Merkl event tonight at HausWitch! Appreciated your questions and engaging conversations. Witch the Vote
Thank you to everyone who came to our Millennials for Merkl event tonight at HausWitch! Appreciated your questions and engaging conversations. Witch the Vote
Thank you to the The Point Neighborhood Association, SSU, and the North Shore Community Development Coalition for hosting the Councillor at Large forum tonight at Espacio, and thank you to the Point community for the great questions and engaging conversations!
Thank you to the The Point Neighborhood Association, SSU, and the North Shore Community Development Coalition for hosting the Councillor at Large forum tonight at Espacio, and thank you to the Point community for the great questions and engaging conversations!
Thank you to everyone who came to the forum tonight and for your great questions! And thanks to the Mack Park Neighborhood Association, South Salem Neighborhood Association, Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association - GESNA, and the North Street Northfields Neighborhood Association for hosting an excellent forum.
Thank you to everyone who came to the forum tonight and for your great questions! And thanks to the Mack Park Neighborhood Association, South Salem Neighborhood Association, Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association - GESNA, and the North Street Northfields Neighborhood Association for hosting an excellent forum.
Thank you to the The Point Neighborhood Association, SSU, and the North Shore Community Development Coalition for hosting the Councillor at Large forum tonight at Espacio, and thank you to the Point community for the great questions and engaging conversations!
Thank you to the The Point Neighborhood Association, SSU, and the North Shore Community Development Coalition for hosting the Councillor at Large forum tonight at Espacio, and thank you to the Point community for the great questions and engaging conversations!
Thank you to everyone who came to the forum tonight and for your great questions! And thanks to the Mack Park Neighborhood Association, South Salem Neighborhood Association, Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association - GESNA, and the North Street Northfields Neighborhood Association for hosting an excellent forum.
Thank you to everyone who came to the forum tonight and for your great questions! And thanks to the Mack Park Neighborhood Association, South Salem Neighborhood Association, Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association - GESNA, and the North Street Northfields Neighborhood Association for hosting an excellent forum.
Thank you to the executive director of Lifebridge for meeting with me today and educating me on the great work they do (see photo), and giving me a tour of their new drop in day center.
Thank you to the executive director of Lifebridge for meeting with me today and educating me on the great work they do (see photo), and giving me a tour of their new drop in day center.

Committee to Elect Alice Merkl
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